Immensely popular among the residents of the northern part of the country, Knol Khol or Kohlrabi is a distant cousin of our common cabbage. Although it looks like an alien vegetable it is actually closely related to wild cabbage. Unlike cabbage where the edible part is the leaves, the edible part of the Knol Khol is actually itsit's overgrown stem that swells into a bolus structure. Sweet, meaty and fibrous, Knol Khol tastes almost similar to Broccoli stem or Cabbage heart.
Knol Khol has a hard, fibrous outer covering, this hard outer covering isolates the innards from deteriorating, which elongates the freshness of the Knol Khol. Usually, the outer layer is peeled off and the inner flesh is used for cooking or to be consumed raw in a salad. In India, Knol Khol Subzi is widely popular, but the texture of thiethe vegetables allows the consumer to try a wide range of recipes like Curry, Poriyal and stir fry. It is advised to consume it raw, in order to harvest the benefits of the nutritional value that Knol Khol possesses.
Adding Knol Khol to your daily diet can be immensely beneficial for your body, since it;s full of essential nutrients. Dietary fibre ensures optimal gut health and a single cup of Knol Khol provides 17% of your daily fibre intake. Knol Khol is packed with Vitamin C which is helps to eliminate free radicals that damage the skin thus. This vegetable is a rich source of Vitamin B6, which boosts immunity and protein metabolism. Knol Khol is a storehouse of minerals and it’s full of copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, iron abdand phosphorousphosphorus- all of which are essential of optimalfor optimal functioning of our bodies. It also contains powerful plant compounds that lower the risk of heart disease, more of a reason to add Knol Khol to your daily diet!
Take the first step towards a healthy lifestyle, chop upsomeup some Knol Khol and add it to your salad for a healthy and crunchy surprise! Tap here and get safe-to-eat and pesticide-free Knol Khol from Farmers Fresh Zone.