What is Cholestrol?

Cholesterol is an organic molecule that has a “waxy” texture & its commonly found in our blood. Our body needs cholestrol to build healthy cells, the contribution of cholestrol is mainly towards building cell membranes. High cholesterol is a fairly common disease & it can increase the risk of heart disease. Excess cholestrol within the body deposits fat within the blood vessels which restrict the blood flow. One of the most common reasons for cholestrol related issues is a sedentry lifestyle & unhealthy diet. Junk foods & processed foods contain excess cholesterol along with a wide range of other compounds that are extremely unhealthy when consumed in excess. What’s worse is that high cholesterol does not have any major symptoms, you can only detect it with a blood test. It’s better to be safe than sorry so it’s preferred to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to lead a cholestrol and stress free life.
According to medical guidelines, a person should undergo their first Cholestrol test at age 11 & the test should be repeated every five years after that. This is mainly due to the fact that blood tests are the only way to detect cholestrol levels. Morover, regular tests give you a better insight & create room for precautionary measures in case you end up having cholesterol related issues. With a change in lifestyle, diet & help of medications its possible to bring cholesterol levels in check.
But that does not mean Cholestrol is bad for your health. Its one of the most essential compounds which is needed to for cell formation. Our body needs cholesterol to synthesize hormones, Vitamin D & compounds that help ease digestion. Our body produces all the cholestrol it needs which is why high cholesterol levels are a common sight, thanks to processed & junk foods.
What causes high cholesterol?
1. Unhealthy Diet:

High consumption of saturated fats commonly found in fast foods, processed foods, certain meat & dairy products and especially deep fried foods is the most common culprit which causes cholesterol levels to shoot up, above the normal levels. Eating these foods increases the LDL levels which is commonly labelled as “Bad Cholestrol”
2. Lack of exercise:

Lack of physical activity & exercise reduces your High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). HDL is considered to be “Good Cholesterol” since it carries cholesterol from other parts of the body to the liver. The liver gets rid of excess cholesterol within the body with the help of HDL. The cat doesn't have to worry about cholestrol levels, but you do, it can sleep but you have to exercise! 😜
In case you are suffering from or you’re just being cautious, here are some foods that will help in keeping your cholesterol levels in check.
- Citrus Fruits:

Citrus fruits contain a compound called “Pectin” which is a type of soluble fiber. This fiber helps in lowering the LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) levels within the. LPLs are considered to be bad for your body since they clog your arteries. Including citrus fruits like Oranges, Lemon, Kiwi can help you reduce LDL levels
2. Eggplant (Brinjal)

Eggplant is an excellent source of soluble fiber which aid in getting rid of LDL within the body. Consuming foods that are high in soluble fibers is a healthy way of bringing cholestrol levels in check
3. Beans

Consuming foods that are a rich source of soluble fiber is a dietary way of eliminating LDL levels. Beans are an excellent source of soluble fiber & it takes a while for the body to digest, meaning you feel full for longer after a meal. Including beans in your daily diet can prove to be extremely beneficial in keeping cholesterol levels in check.

There’s no need to worry about cholesterol as long as you read this blog & prepare yourself to eat healthy & stay with regular exercise. Get up, grab that bowl of salad & don’t think twice before going for a run in the morning, or else Cholestrol will catch up to you 😜