As COVID-19 is becoming a global health threat and continues to spread rapidly across the globe, more social media posts and articles regarding the virus are being shared online to create awareness. Unfortunately, the information shared on social media may be inaccurate which makes it difficult for the people to believe the truth. With loads of information and videos circulating on the internet, it becomes difficult for people to find out the reliable sources and what to believe.
During this time of crisis, rumours and false information can be dangerous and misleading. Let us look at the common myths and facts that you should know about COVID-19.
1) Myth: Coronavirus can’t be transmitted in hot and humid weather
Fact: The deadly virus can be transmitted in hot and humid weather, in fact it can be transmitted in any type of weather. Whatever the weather conditions are, it is important to take necessary steps to prevent the virus from being spread.
2) Myth: Cold weather can kill the virus
Fact: Cold climate cannot kill the virus. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the temperature of a normal human body is about 37 degrees. The best way to protect yourself from a virus is to clean your hands with soap regularly or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3) Myth: Hand dryers are effective in killing Coronavirus
Fact: It is a myth that hand dryers are effective in killing the deadly virus. Instead, you should clean your hands frequently with soap and water and dry your hands thoroughly with a clean hand or paper towel.
4) Myth: You can get the virus if you consume meat or eggs
Fact: Eating non-vegetarian foods such as meat, eggs, and seafood has nothing to do with coronavirus transmission. It is an infection that spreads from person to person. However, as a precautionary measure, all meats should be washed thoroughly prior to cooking. It is also advisable to take all the necessary precautions while visiting animal markets and ensure good food safety practices at all times.
5) Myth: People who contract the virus dies
Fact: Cough, sore throat, runny nose, and headache are some of the symptoms causing this deadly disease and it can be cured if treated on time. According to a study, in Wuhan, China, people above the age of 80 have the highest casualty rate at 14.8 percent.
6) Myth: Children can’t contract the virus
Fact: People of all age groups can contract the virus, though there have fewer coronavirus cases among children as compared to adults. According to the World Health Organization, a total of 745 children in China were screened for COVID-19 till February 20, 2020. Out of 745, 10 children age 2-15 were tested positive for the virus.
7) Myth: Wearing a face mask will prevent you from Coronavirus
Fact: Standard surgical mask can’t protect you from the deadly virus because they are not designed to block the particles from seeping through the mask. However, these masks can prevent infected people from spreading the virus caused by sneezing and coughing. It is important to cover your nose, mouth, and chin or else it won’t be effective in curbing the virus.

8) Myth: Pets can spread Coronavirus
Fact: The World Health Organisation for Animal Health has issued advisories that there is no proof that pets such as dogs and cats can spread coronavirus. But, if the owner of the pet gets infected, there are chances that the pets can get infected.
9) Myth: Coronavirus can spread through mosquito bites
Fact: COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that cannot be transmitted through mosquito bites. The virus is spread through tiny droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
10) Myth: Home remedies can cure or prevent Coronavirus
Fact: Home remedies such as eating garlic and applying sesame oil can’t help prevent Coronavirus. Though garlic has some antimicrobial properties, there is no current evidence to prove that it can protect you from Coronavirus.
So, these were some of the myths and facts that you should know about COVID-19. During this time of crisis, it is important to check for correct facts and information before forwarding or posting anything on social media. Furthermore, avoid listening to any kind of rumours and create panic.