Picture this, a cool wind brushing your skin, fresh air fills your lungs as you breathe & you’re one with nature. Seems really blissful right? Well, that’s pretty much routine for our Farmer buddies back in Nilgiri & you can experience it every day too!

Farmers Fresh Zone is propelled by a very simple, sustainable & and ethical business model. What may seem quite complicated is actually very simple to understand - Source the produce from local farmers, deliver it as soon & as fresh as possible to the customers & spread the concept of safe-to-eat fruits & vegetables. The quality of the product depends on where & how it was grown, hence Farmers Fresh Zone sources its produce from the Farms that are one with nature. Today, let’s travel to the beautiful farms of Nilgiri.

Heavenly, Beautiful, Blissful & Tranquil might be some of the adjectives that one would use to describe Nilgiri. The quality of the soil, the fresh water & the crisp air makes it the ideal place for sourcing the best ingredients that end up in your kitchen. This is exactly why FarmersFZ ended up expanding its reach to the Farmers in Nilgiri. Thanks to the recent collaboration between the startup & the farmers, Farmers Fresh Zone is now able to source the best produce from Nilgiri & deliver it to the customers.

Open your door to a whole new world of freshness, quality, and a pesticide-free life, with FarmersFZ.  Experience the freshness of nature by trying our wide range of safe-to-eat & locally sourced Spring onions, Knol Kohl & Brussel sprouts from the hills of Nilgiri. Farm to Plate within 16 hours, guaranteed. Order your daily essentials from Farmers Fresh Zone & experience Nilgiri at your doorstep!

Check out our video & get a first hand experience of the beautiful farms in Nilgiri

Eat Safe, Buy Smart & Stay Healthy, with Farmers Fresh Zone!