You all must be wondering as when is the best time to eat fruits, is it during the day or night? This question might surely come to your mind if you are thinking of losing weight, or having dull skin, or suffering from hypertension or any other health issue.
No matter what the health concern we may have, we always turn to fruits because they are the powerhouse of nutrients, antioxidants and flavanoids. They help prevent free radical damage and provide minerals like sodium and potassium to the body.
Incorporating fruits in your diet can improve digestion because of the high fibre content in them. But eating them at the wrong time can cause many health issues too. Studies have shown that consumption of fruits at certain time of the day can have a positive or negative impact on your body.

So, When is the Best Time to Eat Fruits During the Day?
Nutritionists across the globe are recommending having the maximum intake of fruits throughout the day.
Fruits in the Morning
Eating fruits in the morning on an empty stomach along with a glass of water is considered the best time to eat fruits. This is because when you eat fruits on an empty stomach, your digestive system is able to break down the fruit completely thus enabling the body to absorb the nutrients as well. Pineapples, melon, banana, grapes, berries, pear, mango, papaya and apple are some of the fruits to be consumed before breakfast.

Fruits Between Two Meals
Consuming fruits between your meals is also regarded as a good habit because it is the time when your digestion is quick. So, the fruits are easily digested if they are eaten between meals. Consuming fruits in between meals as a snack can also aid in weight loss because it can help control your hunger pangs. There should be a gap of 30 minutes between meals. Citrus fruits, berries, melons, pineapple, pomegranate, apple and mango are some of the fruits to be consumed in between meals.
Fruits before dinner
Eating fruits before dinner time is better compared to eating them before bedtime. It is because fruits are lower in calories and rich in fibre and that will satiate your hunger as dinner is considered as the lightest meal of the day. Apples and pineapples are the best fruits to consume before dinner.

Worst Time to Eat Fruits
1) Immediately before and after a meal
2) Before going to sleep
3) Fruits should't be eaten with meals as well
Fruits to have before and after workout
The best time to consume fruits is before and after a workout. If you consume fruits before workout, it will provide your body with immediate burst of energy to help you carry out your strenuous workout. After workout, your body loses all the energy, during this time, fruits which are high in fibre and contain natural sugar are the best. Fruits like banana, mango, grapes, citrus fruits, pineapple, chikoo and pomegranate should be consumed before and after a workout.

Few Healthy Tips for Eating Fruits
1) To get maximum benefits, have fresh and fibre-rich fruits with skin and flesh intact
2) Stick to seasonal produce and indulge in different varieties
3) People who have irritable bowel syndrome, should avoid high-fibre fruits like apple, orange and banana.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab a bowl of fruits and stay healthy. For toxic-free and safe to eat fruits and vegetables, shop from Farmers Fresh Zone and feel the goodness in each bite.